Sleepless Winter Nights
Music to “weight [your] eyelids down and steep [your] senses in forgetfullness.”
Some of our recent programs:
Sleepless Winter Nights
Music to “weight [your] eyelids down and steep [your] senses in forgetfullness.”
Music of the heavens and a few words on the close approach of Mars.
E.Y. “Yip” Harburg
Music for the long cold month of January, and a brief review of Yip Harburg, above.
2025! Happy New Year One and All, with words of wisdom from Georges Gurdjieff (above).
An Hour Of Music for the Holidays.
Winter Solstice
A celebration of the drowsy descent and reawakening of Helios.
Song of Amergin
Richness of sound that defies a tally, with a chilling standout, the oldest Irish poem to come down to us through the ages, Song of Amergin or The Mystery.
Sarband and Fadia El-Hage
An 18th Century Middle Eastern musician visits Leipzig; Emily Jane Brontë in the 19th, finishing with music of the present.
The grace and wisdom of Tecumseh in the face of certain defeat.
Viola da Gamba
A look into one of humanity’s most expressive instruments.